G'day Legends

I'm Jesse Crowe. I'm a Scientist, Storyteller, YouTuber & Podcaster.

I’m working hard to share science based ideas and techniques that you can use to live smarter, happier and healthier.  

Travelling Science Podcast

Travelling Science explores the science and technology that people need to know about.

Each week, you will be inspired by cutting edge concepts, entertained with unique and exciting stories, and you will be given actionable advice, backed by science, that will help you to improve your daily life.

YouTube Channel

The Travelling Scientist YouTube channel releases new videos every “Science Sunday”.

These videos are focused around physical and mental health, to help people better understand their own bodies and make smarter decisions to improve their wellbeing.

The content works to explain scientific concepts in entertaining and engaging ways.

My Story

G’day, I’m Jesse Crowe, The Travelling Scientist. I’m a science communicator who travels the world, interviewing fellow scientists and sharing their research and stories with the world.